Here's some top tips that will help you with your referrals
It's all about getting your referral link out there. There's so much that can be done, much of it free or low cost. Get creative because the potential is massive.
Invite friends and family
Probably the easiest group of people to call upon to get involved. But make sure they don't use your computer to sign up, or the same computer more than once!
Also bear in mind that FreebieJeebies allow only one account per household on each of their sites.
Show your friends and family that FreebieJeebies works, show them your freebies. The quickest way is to select a small free item such as an iPod Shuffle to begin with, it's only 2 referrals.
When they see for themselves that the system works they'll be itching to get involved.
Tell online friends
Social bookmarking, Digg, MyAOL, Google, Y! Buzz, Digg, MyAOL, Google, Y! Buzz
WordPress, Blogger
WordPress, Blogger
Tell everyone you meet
People at work, on the bus, at college, university or in school.
Email your address book
Paste your FreebieJeebies referral link into an email and send it to your address book.
Don't overdo this.
Remember who has already been sent one or you'll quickly alienate friends and colleagues.
E-mail signature
Create an auto signature to appear in every email you send.
Internet forums
Create a thread including your referral link, design an avatar or banner to show in your posts and signature.
Check with moderators first.
Don't spam forums, it's annoying and can do more harm than good.
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